When is it the best time to prepare your lawn for winter? And what are the best approaches and strategies to do so? Our lawn care experts in West Chester OH are here today to answer the most frequently asked questions on yard winterization!

1. Can I fertilize my lawn in December if I didn’t do it by now?

When it comes to lawn fertilization, the best time to call your local lawn fertilizer service is late fall or early winter months. You can fertilize your lawn in early December, as well. Just make sure you get professional help from your local lawn care team.

2. What are the best fertilizers for yard winterization?

Winter fertilizers usually contain higher levels of potassium and lower levels of nitrogen in comparison to “turf-boosting” products you use in spring. Nevertheless, ask your local lawn care experts in West Chester OH, as they already know your soil, types of grasses you grow, and the environmental factors to consider before applying the winter treatment.

3. Does my lawn need winterization in the first place?

Lawn care specialists agree that most cold-season lawns would benefit significantly from a winterization program. Such applications not only encourage grasses to store more energy in late fall but also stay safe and nourished during the cold winter months. Proper winterization, however, requires a professional hand, as your lawn might also need aeration or a thorough cleanup. Ask your local lawn care service to provide you with an overall assessment and then proceed with the proper applications.

4. Is it necessary to winterize my lawn if I grow warm-season grasses?

Warm-season grasses require spring fertilization and feeding with properly balanced nutrients. Nevertheless, talk to your local lawn care West Chester OH experts, as even warm-season turfs may benefit from some winter preparations.

5. Should I water the lawn after I winterized it?

First, you should pick a fertilizer featuring quick releasing water-soluble nitrogen. Second, talk to your regular lawn care team in West Chester, OH, about watering. If it is already raining/snowing outside, you have everything under control. If not, your experts will employ the best practices, depending on the types of fertilizers they use and the time they apply it.

Learn more about lawn winterization from our West Chester OH lawn care experts! Ask them anything you want or give them a call for an assessment and professional applications!