Some people know sod webworms as lawn moths, hazardous turf pests that can kill a lawn in days if you neglect getting rid of them. Their peak activity is in April and May, but now, they can lie dormant in the thatch in winter, waiting for warmer temperatures to spring to life and feed on your grasses. Today, our lawn treatments company in West Chester, OH, is here to give you some tips on making sure these nasty pests don’t ruin your yard.

Sod Webworms’ Lifecycle

Sod webworms represent the larval stage of small white-brown moths. In winter, they lay just above the soil as young larvae. Starting with April and up until June, they pupate in cocoons, emerge as adult moths, start mating, and spread their eggs into the grass. In about a week, those eggs hatch into a new generation of larvae. For this reason, it is crucial to have a professional lawn care company in West Chester, OH, to inspect the situation and recommend the proper intervention plan.

The Sod Webworms’ Damages to Your Lawn

Most homeowners learn about these pests’ presence until it is too late because their damage looks like natural turf decline due to drought. Let our specialists in lawn treatments in West Chester, OH, explain.

  • When they start feeding, sod webworms leave behind brown, dry patches of lawn;
  • They thrive in full sun and in yard areas where you have little to no shade;
  • Consequently, most owners realize it is not the heat damaging their lawns but the pests.

If you wonder whether the webworms prefer some types of grass varieties, our lawn care service provider in West Chester, OH, has some bad news. While they do incline towards cool-season grasses, in reality, webworms will feed on bluegrass, bentgrass, tall fescue, buffalo grass, fine-leafed fescues, and almost any grass that receives plenty of sunlight or faces the south.

How to Get Rid of Sod Webworms

As always, prevention is the best method. To avoid dealing with sod webworms, you should make sure you have a lawn care company in West Chester, OH, to deliver consistent and tailored services for your yard

  • watering,
  • dethatching,
  • soil testing for pH and nutrients,
  • the introduction of beneficial nematodes,
  • regular and thorough lawn treatments in West Chester, OH, etc.,

Such activities are all contributing to the prevention and reduction of sod webworms. If you believe your lawn already hosts such pests, talk to our lawn treatments in West Chester, OH experts, and let’s plan together!