As the fall season approaches here in Ohio, leaves will start to fall from the trees and they will end up on your lawn. Dealing with these leaves can be a tiresome and tedious task, so you may be tempted to just leave the leaf piles on your lawn until spring arrives. However, this is a bad idea because it could lead to you ending up with brown grass come spring! Leaf piles will smother your grass and block vital nutrients and resources like sunlight and water from reaching it. They can also attract pests that can damage your turf. And worst of all, they can create the perfect environment for lawn diseases to form if they're left on your lawn over the winter season. To keep these problems at bay, you should remove leaves from your property in the fall so they don't negatively impact the health of your grass.

Leaf piles can smother your grass and block it from receiving essential nutrients and resources.

One reason why you shouldn't leave leaf piles on your lawn in the fall is because they can smother your grass. When there are large leaf piles covering your lawn, they can block your grass from receiving essential nutrients and resources such as water and sunlight. This can cause brown patches to start forming on your lawn because your grass won't receive the nutrients it needs to stay strong and green. While removing leaf piles from your lawn in the fall will help prevent them from causing harm to your grass, it will also allow your grass to absorb everything it needs to build up its strength in preparation for the winter season!

Leaf Piles Can Attract Pests to Your Lawn

Another reason to not leave leaf piles on your lawn in the fall is because they can attract pests. Many types of insects are attracted to fallen leaves, especially during the cold months when they can find warmth underneath them. These pests can not only cause damage to your lawn, resulting in brown grass in the spring but the closer they get to your home or business, the more likely they are to try and find a way inside! By removing leaf piles from your lawn in the fall, you can prevent harmful pests from infesting your property.

If leaf piles sit on your lawn over the winter, they can create the perfect environment for lawn diseases to form.

The last reason to remove leaf piles from your lawn in the fall is that they can create the ideal environment for lawn diseases to form, especially if they sit on your lawn over the winter. Many lawn diseases thrive in moist environments, and leaf piles trap moisture in them. If lawn diseases develop underneath the leaf piles on your lawn, you won't notice them until spring arrives, and by then, they will be full-blown diseases that will require lawn disease control treatments to eradicate them, and you'll likely need to invest in lawn care services to help your turf recover.

Lawn fertilization treatments can provide your turf with the nutrients it will need to recover from a lawn disease!

Give us a call today to schedule our leaf removal service!

Don't let leaf piles ruin your lawn this fall! At Degree Lawn & Landscape, we offer our leaf removal service to commercial and residential properties, as well as HOAs, in West Chester, Mason, Liberty Township, OH, and surrounding areas. We will remove leaves from your property in the fall to help your grass stay strong and healthy while also improving the curb appeal of your property. Call us today at (513) 874-3256 to schedule our leaf removal service!