In winter, soil compaction and drainage problems can more harm your lawn and landscape than the cold, weeds, or even pests. Waterlogging would be a common phenomenon this time of the year, especially if your soil showed signs of heavy clay or severe drainage issues in the past. Today, our experts in lawn care in Mason, OH, are here to share with you some tips and methods on how to avoid compaction and improve soil drainage during the cold season.

Mind the Thatch

All homeowners know that thatch is a layer of living material and vegetation debris found between the soil and your visible turf. According to our lawn care company in Mason, OH, one inch of thatch makes a healthy lawn. However, a thicker layer causes problems: blockages of the air and water penetration into the soil, reduced nutrient uptake, drainage issues, and more.

Don’t Pile Anything on the Lawn

Not even snow. Instead of creating heavy mounds of snow in your yard, spread it as much as you can to prevent soil compaction. Moreover, make sure you don’t let heavy machinery (like snow blowers or gardening tools) sit on the lawn. Some people even turn the yard into an impromptu parking lot for overnight guests. Finally, refrain from letting anything heavy sit on the soil and dormant grasses. You will only contribute to soil compaction.

Aeration Is the Solution to Both Compaction and Drainage Problems

It is winter, and the soil might be frozen, but it doesn’t mean you cannot aerate it. Making holes through the turf and into the soil below to allow air and water to penetrate is the go-to solution for many of your winter lawn problems. According to our lawn care Mason, OH specialists, you can poke holes into the ground with a manual tool (even a pitchfork) or a power soil aerating tool.

One of the best solutions is to use a plug-type tool to bring up chunks of nutrient-rich soil back to the surface and re-feed your turf. If you want such a device but don’t have one, ask our local lawn care and maintenance company in Mason, OH, for its help.

Aeration prevents many lawn issues: crown hydration, snow molds, plant malnutrition, lawn damages (clay formation, for instance), etc.

Our lawn care experts insist that aeration works best when the ground is not frozen, so don’t let cold temperatures interfere with your lawn care. If you need help, ask our lawn company in Mason, OH, for personalized services to meet your yard’s winter needs.