Organic lawn maintenance is not news to either homeowners, or lawn maintenance Mason, OH professional service providers. As a matter of fact, using organic ingredients and eating organic food have witnessed a heavy increase in popularity in the last years. We use organic cotton for our children’s clothes, we grow organic, bio-safe foods, and we create organic products like toothpaste and soap. In a too-heavily polluted world, can we transfer our knowledge and skills to our lawns and gardens? Can we go all in and perform organic lawn maintenance?

Lawn care Mason, OH specialists, together with lawn maintenance West Chester, OH colleagues, aided by horticulturists and agronomists answer these questions with the following list of expert advice for all those who want to try organic lawn maintenance in their front yards and gardens.

1. Use Organic Fertilizers

You may know already that leaving the grass clippings behind after mowing is done makes a natural fertilizer for the soil. But don’t forget about home-made compost. You can make it by yourself by gathering organic leftovers, such as eggshells, plants, vegetable peels, coffee grounds and other organic scraps, lawn care Lebanon, OH pros say. You can buy composted manure for fertilization purposes from specialized stores. Mulch is unquestionably a rich organic source of nutrients for the soil.

2. Use Organic Pest Repellents

Organic pest repellents can take various forms. You can plant fragrant herbs in the garden, as they repel pests like no others and make a home for companion insects, such as ladybugs, lace-wings and hover-flies, they love to feast on your garden pests and microorganisms. Keep cooking oil, baking soda, soap, hot chili sauce or cayenne pepper, water and milk by your side, as there are plenty of specific home-made pest treatment recipes you can mix in your kitchen with the best results.

3. Rotate Crops

We all know that crops should be rotated in order to keep the soil healthy and the plants thriving. Monocultures lead to soil vulnerabilities so this is why it’s better to grow different species of grasses and plants and mix them. Moreover, mixing plants and herbs keeps pests away and lowers the chance of the entire lawn to contract the same disease or infection.

4. Save Water, Recycle Wastes

Collecting rain water may not always be possible, but you can offer your plants recycled water through a smart irrigation system. Don’t forget to recycle and reuse all organic matter around the property, from food leftovers, to flower leaves and dry roots, lawn maintenance Mason, OH experts recommend.