When you see weeds popping up everywhere on your property in spring, your first instinct is to use herbicides and other lawn treatments to get rid of them. Armed with store-bought substances, chemicals, liquids, powders, and sprays, you think you can keep the situation under control. However, our experts in lawn treatments in Mason, OH, suggest you proceed differently. First, you should call our lawn care company in Mason, OH, for an assessment. Our team can rapidly identify the weeds you deal with, the seriousness of the invasion, and the proper means to eliminate the problem. If you feel you cannot wait, here is the advice our experts are here to offer!

Applying Herbicides on Your Own: The Rules to Follow

  • Try the organic weed controls first. Homemade weed repellents are healthier to the plants, the environment, your pets, and the soil than any other substance you think is efficient. From simple weed pulling to using organic weed deterrents, these methods will show results slower. However, it is still better to have patience than ruin your lawn with chemicals.
  • Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions. If you buy herbicides from the store, make sure you follow the instructions to a tee. Always spray only the plants mentioned on the label. Some formulas go against specific weeds, and one product can harm nearby plants or grasses. Also, follow the particular directions of mixing herbicides – even organic ones – and use the correct dosages.
  • Avoid broad-spectrum herbicides. Our experts in lawn treatments in Mason, OH, mix customized blends of substances to treat specific weed issues. Professional lawn service will never use random broad-spectrum substances to eradicate weeds, pests, or fungi. You risk harming your turf and contaminate garden vegetables and herbs.
  • Always keep in mind the environment. Plants and vegetables absorb both pesticides and herbicides. So does your soil. No matter what substances you use, make sure you do not interfere with your soil’s pH, nutrient levels, etc.

If you worry about weed control this spring, don’t! Our experts in lawn treatments in Mason, OH, are here for you. We can assess the situation and implement a weed control and fertilization program to address pre-emergent and post-emergent weeds, together with soil nourishment and plant health strengthening.

You can contact our lawn service in Mason, OH, any time you want. Besides a free estimate, you get guaranteed results, affordable prices, and an outstanding satisfaction guarantee!